Experimenting with Your Journaling
Journaling is so much more than just putting your thoughts and feelings down on paper. There are endless amounts of benefits for your physical, emotional, and mental health.
Try Different Things
Experimenting with your journal can be accomplished in a few different ways. Of course, it mostly depends on what you are trying to get out of it. The first way is by trying new things and documenting them in your journal. The journal is really powerful because it allows you to express how you are feeling. You can often work things out with it as well!
For example, trying a new diet in order to help with your physical health. You would start by making notes about it in your journal. Then make a meal plan and grocery list to go with it. After that, write in the journal each day about how the diet is going. Including the changes to make and whether or not this “experiment” is working for you.
Work Out Your Problems
Another way you can experiment is to work out different problems you have. Perhaps you are having some mental health issues, but you can’t really figure out where they are coming from. For example, are you suffering from increased panic attacks as a result of your anxiety disorder? You can start writing down descriptive details each time you have a panic attack. This can help you try to pinpoint a recurring pattern.
Find More Clarity
The more details you write down in your journal, the more self-awareness you gain. Every facet of your life can be experimented with as a whole. For instance, trying new morning or evening routines. Or even figuring out the perfect method of sleeping better at night. Journaling can be useful for physical, mental, as well as emotional health. The key is to write everything down to observe a pattern.
Improve your mindset with mindful journaling
If you are someone that struggles with your own mind and thought processes, you should consider journaling. Not just traditional journaling, but practicing mindful journaling in order to improve your mindset. Here are some ways you can do that:
Change Your Daily Habits
Journaling can really help a lot with changing your daily habits. This is the perfect time to re-evaluate how you live your life from day to day. Especially making a conscious decision to be healthier and more stress-free. The first thing you should do is think about daily lifestyle changes to make for better health and wellness. Once you decide on them, write them down in your journal. You can then use the journal every day to keep up with these habits.
Read More and Journal About it
Reading can be a very therapeutic experience, as can journaling – so, why not combine them? Make a list of books you want to read, and write them down in your journal. As you read each one, you can write a summary of how you liked it. This can be perfect to work through what you thought about the books.
Express Yourself Emotionally
Your mindset can also change if you have a good way to express yourself emotionally. It’s understanding to not always want to talk to someone you know. The lingering fear of them judging you or the thought of being vulnerable can be off-putting. Apart from that, not everyone has immediate access to a therapist or counselor. Since a journal is personal and private, you don’t have to worry about others reading what you write. It can be a great way to jot down your thoughts, feelings, emotions, worries, and fears. This helps to dispel them from your mind so that you can focus on more positive things!
Show Your Gratitude in the Journal
Expressing gratitude is another really important part of having a more positive mindset. It can be easy to only think about the negative aspects of your life. However, if you pay attention, there are many positive things as well! I encourage you to write down what you are grateful for every day. It can be anything simple, mundane, or extravagant. There are no rules for what you are grateful for!
What is Bullet Journaling?
The Konmari Method of Bullet Journaling
Bullet journaling is a great way to turn your journal into a detailed planner and organizer. It can include your schedule, tasks & lists, thoughts, ideas, goals, and so much more! The popular book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, is a great way to learn about the Konmari Method for bullet journaling.
More About the Konmari Method
It helps to know the Konmari Method and how it can help you when you are using your bullet journal. This is simply a shorter term for the book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing,” written by Marie Kondo.
This book emphasizes the importance of decluttering your home and your life. This is done by examining your emotional attachment to certain items. Then you decide what to keep and what to donate.
Make a List of Your Belongings
The goal of the journal itself is to help you to figure out what you’re decluttering. The first step is to make a list of all your belongings in the bullet journal. This is where you start with decluttering. Right away, you will probably write something down you know you don’t want or need, which is great! Cross it off now so you don’t have to worry about it later.
Find the Joy
The next step is to find joy in the items you have written down. Go down the list, bringing your journal with you as you pick up each item or touch it. When you look at it or pick up the item, you should feel a sense of joy and happiness. Does it bring up a happy memory? Do you feel more comforted knowing it is there? If so, keep the item. If not, get rid of it. For items that don’t bring you joy, cross them off in your bullet journal now so you don’t lose track later. By the time you’re finished, you’ll have a complete list of the items you’re keeping and disposing of.
What is a Monthly Review?
If you have been using a bullet journal for a while, you already know what the monthly section is like. It probably includes a monthly calendar where you use symbols and phrases to describe events and appointments for the month, then have another section with more notes about what your month includes.
You can go one step further by providing a monthly review. Instead of writing what you need to do that month, it is a review of what you got done. This naturally is done after the month is over, and before your next month begins.
Why You Should Have a Monthly Review in Your Bullet Journal
There are a few different reasons to do a monthly review. One of the best benefits is overall preparation for the following month. Sometimes, you don’t get to everything as things often come up. You can use that review to pull things you didn’t get to and add them to the next month.
Monthly reviews also help you get into a positive mindset. Even if you feel like you had a slow month, you can really see everything you accomplished! This can also get you geared up to do even better next month.
How to Add it to Your Bullet Journal
Creating a monthly review is very simple! This can either go directly behind your current month or at the end of your journal where you have the next blank page. This is really going to depend on how your bullet journal is set up and whether you have new space or not. Just remember to add it to your table of contents before you’re done!
You can dedicate an entire page to each monthly review if they are that long. However, you could just have a few pages at the end of your months as well. This might be easier for saving space in the long run.
What is a Reading Journal?
Reading can be a very therapeutic experience, as can journaling – so, why not combine them? Here are some ways you can do that:
Use Your Bullet Journal
Reading journals can definitely be done in any regular journal, but they are especially useful for a bullet journal. This way, you have a handy list that keeps track of books to be read – or ones you have already read. Don’t forget to leave space for all the books you want to read!
Keep Track of Books Read
The next step is gradual, which includes crossing off or checking off the books as you read them. This lets you see how far you have come so far. If you have a goal for reading a number of books in a year, this is a really easy way to keep track of the total number. Plus, you can also share it on social media! Easily swap stories about books you have read and even turn it into a type of digital book club.
List Books to Be Read
To start with, choose a section of the journal for the reading portion, and add a list of all the books you want to read. You might want to look back on this later to keep adding more. For now, you can start with books you already have at home that have not been read!
Continue Updating the List
Remember to keep adding more books! You will eventually get to the point where you have read them all. Keep looking around, getting recommendations, checking online book stores, and finding used books at thrift stores. There are so many ways to find out about new books that you can keep adding to your list.
Add Notes About the Books
One more thing that might be fun is adding little notes or mini-reviews about each book. This can be especially helpful for book club discussions!
How to Start Journaling When You Keep Putting it Off
Are you someone who wants desperately to journal and get the benefits of it? Are you lacking the motivation to start? If so, this article is for you! It will provide some simple ways to motivate you to start journaling and keep it up every day.
Start Each Entry with a Prompt
A lot of times the reason people don’t write in their journals is that they aren’t sure what to write about. This could be from lack of proper inspiration or simply even writer’s block. Either way, journaling prompts are a wonderful start! They provide questions or statements that you answer in your journal entries. From topics like childhood memories & future goals to recollecting different things in your life – there is a prompt for everyone and every situation!
Pick the Journaling Time Wisely
When you choose to write in your journal can be especially important. If you feel more creative and inspired in the morning, then that is when you should write in your journal. On the other hand, some people find that they prefer nighttime writing – or even in the middle of the day. If you’re struggling with this, try different times and circumstances. Eventually, you will find the time that works best for you!
Use Your Journal Like a Diary
This is a little trick that really does work wonders! Sometimes people get overwhelmed with the thought of journaling because there are SO many different types. You might be more interested in just writing how you feel. That is wonderful to do, and it doesn’t have to follow any conventional rules of journaling! Just write in it like you would a diary. Write to yourself, or write to an invisible person. Do it however you want!
Find a Better Reason to do it
You know you want to journal, have bought all the supplies, but just can’t find the motivation? If this sounds like you, you may just need to find the right reason to do it! Wanting to journal because of some vague benefits might not be enough. Really hone in on why YOU want to journal, and what you hope to get out of it. Don’t worry about the reasons other people choose to do it. This is you and your experience, so it should really be unique to you!
Happy Journaling💜
Ginny Hanson
Health Coach and Mentor