Learn More About Important Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms
Multiple Sclerosis symptoms can cause many different issues. For instance, vision loss, pain, fatigue, and impaired coordination are some of the many possible complaints. The symptoms, severity, and duration can vary from person to person. In other words, some people may be symptom-free most of their lives. On the other hand, others can have more severe, chronic symptoms that never go away. Therefore, treatment varies depending on the symptoms.
Also common: Constipation, depression, difficulty swallowing, difficulty thinking and understanding, flare, headache, heavy legs, numbness of the face, rapid involuntary eye movement, sleep deprivation, tongue numbness, weakness, or difficulty raising the foot.
Peoplemay experience one or more of the following symptoms:
Pain areas: In the back or in the eyes
Pain circumstances: Can occur in the back due to head nod or with eye movement
Tremor: Can occur during precise movements, in the hands, or limbs
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